As we approach another gardening season, Noah Chase of Deelish Garden Centre in Skibbereen addresses some commonly asked questions by visitors to his garden centre. Do you have British Queen seed potatoes? Up until a few weeks ago, we were being asked this daily, and the answer is ‘yes’, along […]
With over 30 years experience in the area of environmentally-friendly garden and farm supplies, West Cork’s Fruit Hill Farm has long been the shop of choice for Ireland’s organic producers and gardeners. As we head into Spring, the next few months are the ideal time to take softwood cutting from […]
The river Feagle was the catalyst for the formation of Clochán Uisce as a river group; and over the passage of time, the Feagle’s journey as a river from source to sea has inspired, educated, and emboldened the group to do all it can to protect the river, advocate for […]
Excuse my language but WTF have they been doing to the hedgerows? It’s Armageddon out there. Except that Armageddon is defined as the last battle between good and evil before the Day of Judgement, and if the hedgerows represent Good and the machines shredding them represent Evil – then it’s […]
Birdwatch West Cork Branch Committee member Damaris Lysaght gives an insight into the charming habits of the long-tailed tit They’ve never visited my bird table – yet! – though a few friends of mine are honoured with their presence on their feeders. It’s quite likely that the first indication that […]
A group from ‘Waste Not, Want Not’, including the Women’s Shed, Tidy Towns, Community Resource Centre and Clonakilty FET representatives visited Forge Hill Recycling Centre in Cork on Friday, February 28. The trip was both informative and eye-opening! As a group, we were curious to learn more about how waste is managed […]