The pig was always highly praised by the Irish for its succulent meat, and in legend it was the favourite meat of gods and heroes at their feasts in the otherworld. The pig was also respected for its bravery and ferocity in defending itself against attack, and so was seen […]
In a new historical series starting in November, Holger Smyth of Inanna Rare Books will introduce us each month to a West Cork house detailed in a rare publication by Reverend Richard J. Hodges and W.T. Pike, a massive volume of historical photographs and stories about the big houses and […]
Like so many other things that have been postponed; premiership matches, flights into Heathrow and even postal and train strikes in England, I’m afraid my follow-up article of the civil war in Russia also has been hit by the death of Queen Elizabeth, the monarch of Great Britain, (and postponed […]
“She is regarded today as one of the most significant figures of 16th-century Irish history and an inspiration to those who choose to live their lives according to their own rules and by no others.” – Joshua J. Mark Known in most historical records as Grace O’ Malley, Ireland’s most […]
Niall Geaney is a qualified solicitor since 2009 having worked with a solicitors practice in Dublin from 2004 to 2010 before setting up his own office in Clontarf in Dublin. He opened his Clonakilty office on Emmet Square last year having relocated with his family to Clonakilty in August 2020. […]
A treasure trove of oral history about the 1916-23 revolutionary period, most of which is previously unrecorded, is now available worldwide thanks to the team at Skibbereen Heritage Centre and the support of Cork County Council. The ‘Stories of the Revolution’ project involved 823 children from 48 schools all around […]