Following on from last month’s column on the Miami Showband Massacre, Shane Daly shares more on involvement of the soldier with the ‘educated English accent’, Captain Robert Nairac. “When it awarded him The George Cross, was Buckingham Palace aware that Captain Robert Nairac was named, in an official Ministry of […]

Of all the Christian festivals, Christmas was considered by the Irish people as the most important. The mid-winter solstice (December 21) is a turning point in the year, with the sun weakening day after day and then miraculously recovering. It was a good time for a feast and mid-winter festivals […]

With the world watching on in horror as Iran hands out death sentences to anti-government protestors, the Iran of today under supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei, where women are treated as second-class citizens, forced to wear the hijab (Islamic head covering) in public and punished by Morality Police for non-compliance, is a […]
