Keeping your brain in good condition can be aided by a good diet, and natural supplements can play a role too. In this month’s article I’m taking a look at both aspects of brain support. There is a growing understanding of the links between diet and brain health, and especially […]
Health & Lifestyle
The herb Plantago major (greater plantain) or weed to most people, is a familiar sight in gardens presently. The leaves may be quite large, and it is just ready to harvest. A versatile plant, it has been used as medicine and food since ancient times and has many benefits. It […]
The sunshine is warm on his shoulders as he walks, in rhythm with the steady gait, of the beautiful, imposing, golden retriever beside him. He can walk smartly, this is the incredible gift his dog has given to him, no white cane getting stuck in gratings, under wheelie bins, or […]
I love exploring the art of living, discovering ways to infuse daily life with soulfulness, expanding how I do things, see things, and make meaning of things, contemplating our individual and collective potential in today’s world and seeking practices that support our own and each other’s evolution. For me, attending […]
How time flies! We have already entered the second half of summer, having passed the longest day, which seems to have come round faster than ever this year. It may be the second half of summer but I’m still prowling around the courgettes plants waiting for them to spring into […]
Just finding The Field Kitchen licensed restaurant at Camus Farm is part of its indelible charm. If you’re lucky, with the help of Google Maps, you’ll arrive at a boreen bordered by native hedgerows teeming with wildlife and on one side framed by the farm’s veg beds. This marks the […]