With drinking establishments closed from mid March, pub dwellers were bereft of the conversation and warm surroundings that make a trip to the local so special. For many of us in West Cork the pub is a social gathering; a space to converse with friends and neighbours at the end […]
Health & Lifestyle
West Cork is a destination for both staycationers and adventure seekers who want to embrace a real Irish summer, a season that our older generations speak of fondly, consisting of picnics on the beach and tumble wheeling down sand dunes. Our stunning landscape provides the perfect opportunity to unwind and […]
A stalwart presence at the heart of Clonakilty, the family-run O’Donovan’s Hotel is a proud part of the town’s history, withstanding two World Wars, a Civil War, recessions, countless other ups and downs and, to cap it all, a pandemic. If walls could talk this family-run hotel would have some […]
I have a cameo memory from when I was young of sitting on the back doorstep shucking peas in the sunshine with my mum. Peas were super exciting then, as although peas were available in cans all year round, it was before the frozen pea revolution and canned peas were […]
Let me begin by saying that this article is geared towards homeowners and property owners who are thinking about selling their homes and also the estate agents who are selling them. Home- staging is done with a potential client’s style, where the property is located, and the buyer market, all […]
At this time of year, it is essential to keep most plants watered. Here at Deelish Garden Centre, we are spending a couple of hours each day watering our plants from our well water. There is no simple rule of thumb for watering as each plant has different needs – […]