As we catch our breaths after the politically eventful past few days, weeks and months; my colleagues in the Dáil settle into their new roles as part of a coalition Government. Of course, in these busy and challenging times, there is little space for contemplation, but I think it’s important […]

Following the onset of Covid 19, Cork County Council has been supporting community groups to explore alternate means of engaging with their environmental projects, resulting in many workshops and education initiatives moving online. One such project, the Scoil na Mara series of videos, exploring Irish seashore biodiversity and the importance of the […]

As part of its ongoing commitment to positive environmental practices, Cork County Council has announced new online training workshops for community groups with an interest in bees and for those looking to find better ways to manage their waste. These free workshops will be delivered to Cork County community groups […]

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Richard Bruton, T.D. today (Wednesday the 10th of June 2020) launched a consultation to inform the best model to deliver on our offshore wind ambitions.  Under the Climate Action Plan,  70% of Ireland’s electricity will be generated from renewable energy by 2030. At […]
