Since the 1980s, due to landscape changes, half of our wild bee species has undergone huge decline. One third of our ninety-eight wild bee species are now threatened with extinction in Ireland. Bees (and other pollinators, such as wasps) are declining because we have drastically reduced the areas where they […]
In a week that has seen the launch of the European Climate Law at EU level, and the Climate Bill at home in Ireland, we’ve seen a few days of highs and lows. In the same week that NASA’s Perseverance rover converted carbon dioxide to oxygen on planet Mars, on […]
BEAG, Bandon Environmental Action Group, is a relatively new group to Bandon but one that has deep roots in the community. BEAG, which aims to assist in making a positive contribution to its local community on a range of issues that affect the environment, used National Tree Week last month […]
The word ‘economics’ makes many people’s eyes glaze over. It all sounds so…abstract: Aggregate demand, Keynesianism, negative deflationary spiral, fractionally higher highs, liquidity preferences But what does all that have to do with real life? Everything of course explains Moze Jacobs. It’s the language of industry leaders, investors, finance ministers, […]
There have recently been many reports of dead marine mammals turning up dead along the Irish coast. We sadly saw a young Humpback whale come ashore near Lowertown, Schull, and then most recently a young Beaked Whale washed up on Tragumna beach near Skibbereen. It is not unusual at this […]
Of all the species in the animal kingdom, birds can lay claim to some of the most incredible feats of physical achievement; whether it’s the Peregrine Falcon, the fastest animal in the world with a diving speed of 389kmh, or the incredible annual 90,000km migration of the Arctic Tern, as […]