Sometimes time moves fast in the farming cycle. Only a few weeks ago the call came to try and plant more grain and fodder crops in order to deal with supply chain issues resulting from the war in Ukraine. At this stage, the vast majority of the grain crops are […]
Farming with Tommy Moyles
I was so wrecked tired on the first Saturday night in March that I headed for bed before 9pm. Not long after, word came through to check out the front page of the next day’s Sunday Business Post: The headline stood out boldly ‘All farmers to be told to plant crops […]
As bad as the weather has been since the arrival of Storms Dudley and Eunice, in an odd way I’m kind of glad. Weather has been unseasonably good since Christmas and I’m happier getting rough weather now rather than in the middle of May. Sometimes in farming you have to […]
There’s some good news on farm this month with a clear TB test this time out. There will be another test required 60 days from the latest one and if that is clear then restrictions on the herd will be lifted. The weather has been excellent too and, I hate […]
Farm life is relatively straightforward at the moment. The cows are getting a combination of hay, silage or straw over a week. It sounds more complicated than it actually is. They get a bale of silage in front of them, which usually lasts a pen four to five days and […]
For the first time in my lifetime, there’s been a TB reactor on the farm: Two of them. It’s disappointing, but all I can do now is go through the process involved and hope it works out. As a result, the herd is now locked up. That doesn’t mean myself […]