The days of abundant eggs and greens are back. Every year I marvel at the spinach and kale, which literally springs back into action once the days are longer. These vegetables are champions of the Irish climate. We pick them in the summer, autumn and spring all from one sowing. […]

“May you live in interesting times” is commonly quoted as an ancient Chinese curse. Well, if there’s one thing you can say about the times we live in – they are certainly interesting. Frankly, I haven’t ever seen the likes of it. Having always been a news junkie I have […]

The scale of loss in World Wat One, as well as the brutality of it, are almost incalculable. To try and articulate the misery it caused to its victims, would simply do the effects an injustice. The volume of casualties, the cannon-fodder tactics and the extreme harshness of the conditions […]

This month’s recipe comes from Cuba, it’s not exactly a culinary hotspot but the music is wonderful. Sitting in the Caribbean, this fiercely independent island is big – more than one thousand kms long and more or less one hundred and fifty kms wide, surrounded by picture postcard sea which […]
