So far, so good, lads. Summer 2019 has had its ups and downs in terms of weather, but overall, it’s been grand. On the grey side my house has yet to be painted due to a rainy June and a schedule clash in hot and sunny July. It turns out […]
The more I practice mindfulness, the more I see my habits more clearly. I now realise how strongly our lives can be governed by deeply rooted habitual patterns. Our habits can be very subtle and take time to even notice and possibly years to change. Yet, the act of intentionally […]
The internet abounds with what people are calling ‘Bio-hacks’, meaning Do-It-Yourself ways of improving health and wellbeing. Here are three of my favourite health boosts – cheap and easy; in my opinion, these are the perfect DIY health hacks for a healthy and graceful middle age. 1. Flaxseeds Flax seeds […]
I was recently contacted by a member of Save Our Skibbereen, a campaign to stop the plastic factory due for Skibbereen. They released an album to help fund a judicial review into the recent planning permission that was granted. The campaign has a CD of 17 songs, featuring excellent local musicians […]
We have a rabbit in our garden. It has been hopping about devouring beans and kale and now it’s systematically chomping through a row of cauliflowers. This is an unusual problem for us as the garden’s walled and although birds cause devastation the rabbits usually stay out. It’s not easy […]
My farming life has taught me you have to be prepared for many different possibilities. These can happen over a number of years or at times you have to be prepared for a few eventualities happening on a single day. There’s times when it feels like you need an alphabet […]