Growing up in rural West Cork in the fifties, practically every housewife kept a flock of hens. Domestic hens are direct descendants of wild Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus) and grey Junglefowl (Gallus sonneratti) from southern Asia. These domesticated birds have spread to every corner of the earth. There are hundreds […]
It’s very difficult to change a perception of anything once it becomes established in popular culture. It always seems to me that Irish people like that we have some link and heritage with the Vikings. They come from an era that was pre Anglo-Norman, who of course became the permanent […]
July seems to be the month that summer takes a break. All the cloudy weather is very frustrating but at least there’s what I call the five o’clock phenomenon when the sun seems to make an appearance and shines like it’s been out all day. We have a couple of […]
“Have you tried taking Lion’s Mane yet?” is a common question among my female friends these days. Menopause is a hot topic (pardon the pun!), so a mushroom said to reduce brain fog and anxiety, boost energy, and improve sleep fits right into our conversations. Overall, the feedback from women […]
We were thrilled to host Patrick Holford for a talk last month in Bantry. Patrick came to Bantry to visit us at Organico and promote his new book, called ‘Upgrade your Brain’. In the book Patrick takes a deep dive into what is causing the deterioration of our mental health, […]
Following on from last month’s issue, Kieran Doyle reflects further on a road trip in the USA. In the previous issue, I explored my perception of American patriotism, which was very much aligned to their military past and indeed present. Their role as kingmakers in the foreign policy of other […]