And just like that summer is over. It feels like it happened overnight, but really, it’s been fading for a few weeks now. The Celtic calendar got it right. Lughnasa on the first day of August is when the season changes. It always seems to me too early to call […]

The traditional time for marrying in rural Ireland used to be Shrovetide, that is the period between the Epiphany (January 6) and Shrove Tuesday. In the 19th, and well into the 20th century, it was taken for granted that those who wished to marry did so at that time. When […]

I hate wishing time away but after 14 months of hoping next week’s weather will be better, it seems that’s just what I’ve done. I’ve written this year off as a grazing season and I’ll just manage it out for the rest of the year.  When it comes to stymied grass […]
