It was a fitting end to winter. After freezing temperatures and a dusting of snow, the gales came in. We hunkered down as the wind screamed, the rain pummelled, and the darkness descended. We had the lights on and the fire lit all day. I have to admit that I […]
As you might remember, my last couple of columns have asked – and sought to answer –the question about staying healthy and motivated during the lockdown. In this Spring column, I will look into other ways to stay motivated, and on a personal level, I’ll reveal my top external motivation. […]
I recently happened upon a number of references to two now defunct Gaelic Football clubs based in Cork City called Nils and Lees. Although no longer in existence, both teams were dominant forces on the club scene from the late 1800s until the 1950s with a total of 18 senior titles […]
As the lockdown continues many people are finding more time at home and have, over the last year, started to grow their own fruit and vegetables. One of the easiest foods to grow with amazing returns for the effort involved is our most popular vegetable in Ireland, the potato. It […]
I dusted down my trusty propagator and set it up in the small tunnel, ran the extension lead to the nearest socket and plugged it in. I set about this annual ritual with increasing trepidation as the propagator came with us from England in 1989 and had already been in steady […]
In my last column I talked about ways to stay fit and stay sane during level 5 lockdown. While there are things on the horizon that look promising – vaccines and warmer days – I think a little ‘pick me up’ is due for February. So I wrote a little […]