With so many products available for feeding your plants, it can be a bit daunting. Noah looks at the different options and which best might suit you and your plants needs. Most plants create meals for themselves in the form of sugar. This process is called photosynthesis (‘photo’ meaning light […]
If there was ever a summer for family picnics, it’s got to be this summer. After being cooped up indoors for most of the year, we’re ready to get outside, to socialise (safely), and to share these tried-and-true picnic menus that please eaters of all ages. And if you are […]
May was certainly a blow out; the weather meant we didn’t know whether we were coming or going. I was sat here one evening with the sun on one side of the house and rain on the other and my husband said it was just like living in the tropics. […]
It has been a week to be proud of for Ireland, who have shown support and anger at the plight of the Palestinian people. I’m proud of the strong political leadership and compassion displayed by Irish politicians, who stood out from the crowd in a cross-party display of solidarity, passing […]
I can’t recall ever hearing the saying, ‘A wet and windy May fills the barn with corn and hay’, as much as this year. We’re paying for our dry April now but hopefully things will balance out again over the summer. Usually you would notice a few more yellow fields appearing, […]
This month marks the centenary of a dangerous raid by the West Cork IRA on Fastnight Lighthouse, which the British authorities used to store arms and explosives. Eugene Daly shares the details of the famous deed. The War of Independence, or Anglo Irish War, lasted from early 1919 to July […]