Winston Churchill said famously when speaking of Russia, it is ‘a riddle wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma’. The same can be said about James Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’ that was published 100 years ago this year. The novel, which took seven years to write, did not garner much interest in […]
What a difference a month makes. I’ve been to the cinema twice. I’ve been out with friends for Sunday lunch. I’ve been to a foot stomping, rock blues gig- indoors! I’ve even hugged people. All things that I haven’t done for two years. Slowly but with determined optimism I have […]
If you have any extra space in your garden and are considering what to grow, consider a fruit tree? If you plant five or more, you now have an orchard! We have a great selection of bare root fruit trees at the moment here at Deelish Garden Centre, offering great […]
This month I am sharing my start ritual for home training sessions and my energiser/feel good mat-tool. I’ve found that my start ritual is a great way to start a session so I hope it will work for you. Setting the mood and telling my body – in a gentle […]
by Mark Holland One of the things that we get to do at BROD is to facilitate schools’ workshops through the national charity ShoutOut, who’s aim is to promote acceptance of LGBT+ people in the school environment through education. During these workshops we obviously encourage Questions, and a question that […]
Dandelion is one of the first herbs to flower in southwest Ireland. Blooming from February onwards, the flowers are a very valuable source of nectar for bees. Belonging to the Asteraceae family and in Irish is called ‘caisearbhán’, the dandelion derives its English name from the French, ‘dents de lion’ […]