Watching the garden gradually coming back to life over the last few months has been very comforting in these still uncertain times. The regular signs of new growth confirm that life goes on regardless of pandemics and lockdowns. On a personal basis, one of the hardest things for me during […]

I’m waking up earlier and earlier these days, which is just as well, as there is so much to do in the garden in spring. Most mornings it is a joy to be up and outside with the only distraction being birdsong. No traffic noise or phones ringing, just mooching […]

I dusted down my trusty propagator and set it up in the small tunnel, ran the extension lead to the nearest socket and plugged it in. I set about this annual ritual with increasing trepidation as the propagator came with us from England in 1989 and had already been in steady […]

I’m looking through the window at another dreary evening, waiting for it to be dark enough for my chickens to head into their house, so that I can shut them safely in for the night and then relax, all my outdoor chores done. I find these short days depressing and […]
