Although in existence since the 19th century (when first written record was discovered) cargo cults only came to notoriety during, and most notably after WWII. The cargo cult that gained the most notoriety and attention was one worshipped by the people of the Melanesian islands. A cargo cult is a […]
The Hollywood blockbuster ‘The Changeling’ starring Angelina Jolie as Christine Collins is based on the events of the Walter Collins case. In 1929, Gordon Stewart Northcott was found guilty of abducting, molesting, and killing three young boys in what became known as the Wineville Chicken Coop Murders. Northcott’s mother, Sarah […]
“Do I believe in ghosts?… I am prepared to consider evidence and accept it if it satisfies me.” – M R. James The Winchester mansion in San Jose, California was built by Sarah Winchester with the proceeds of what she considered to be ‘blood money’. Its sole purpose was housing […]
Far from being the expensive dish we know it as today, in the 17th century lobster was viewed as a disgusting, shameful food, only to be consumed by the poorest of the poor. Shane Daly shares the history behind this contemptible reputation. In a previous article titled ‘Caribbean Credit Union’, […]
“I only did my duty, and what I was told to do as well as I could.” – Simo Häyhä The Winter War, sometimes referred to as the First Soviet-Finnish war, began on November 30, 1939 and ended 105 days later on March 12, 1940. Out of this war, which […]
“Maolra Seoighe was wrongly convicted of murder and was hanged for a crime that he did not commit…” – Michael D. Higgins On December 15, 1882, Maolra Seoighe was convicted of murder and hanged. One-hundred-and-thirty-six years later, in 2018 – after it was discovered he was innocent and had been […]