Mental health issues are often treated as health conditions that are separate from other health problems. But in truth there are underlying physiological mechanisms that play a role in the development of mood disorders such as depression or anxiety. Our brain relies on neurons to govern our thoughts, actions and […]
Progesterone is an important hormone because it maintains the uterus lining, propels the egg down the fallopian tubes into the uterus, aids implantation and sustains the pregnancy. By testing progesterone levels seven to nine days after ovulation you can confirm that you have ovulated and know there is enough progesterone […]
“Death is the last intimate thing we ever do” -L.K. Hamilton, writer One day we’ll receive news or may even sense that a beloved friend or family member is dying. Someone recently got in touch with me relating their own experience of this. They shared how their inclination was to […]
Beara nurse Sheona Harrington has recently embarked on a new venture, one that ties together her interest in beauty and skincare, her clinical background and her entrepreneurial spirit. Sheona’s Aesthetics holds a monthly clinic once a month in Jessica’s Beauty Room in Castletownbere and also offers mobile appointments. After five […]
Whale Tales will take place in West Cork from March 24 to 26 and is now open to both Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (IWDG) members and the general public. This annual meeting of the IWDG is an opportunity for all whale (and dolphin) enthusiasts to join the group over […]
Keeks is a family-run online business which serves both baby and toddlers and adaptive fashion for persons with additional needs. Parents Rob and April Mullen started the business in September 2021 after struggling to find products for their oldest son Kian, who was born with a rare genetic condition known […]