My first interview with Aoife McInerney last year reminded me of when I started my business. Aoife described when you own a business ‘you are it!’ – you are responsible for everything in your business. And that can be a daunting thought. But fear not, while the business is ultimately […]
Located on the Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) Campus, close to Cork City, the Rubicon Centre is Ireland’s largest incubation centre and part of a growing business community, which today is home to over 40 companies and 160 employees. Innovation Centre Manager Paul Healy has led the start-up team at […]
Over the past three months, Local Enterprise Offices (LEO) have been helping all types of businesses respond to Covid-19. Kevin Curran, Head of Enterprise at Local Enterprise Office Cork North and West talks to West Cork People about the service LEO provides and how businesses can benefit from the supports […]
Supporting people with autism, the integration of asylum seekers, environmental challenges and managing food waste among themes of 2020 Cork projects Enactus Ireland, which is part of the world’s largest platform dedicated to developing the next generation of entrepreneurial leaders and social innovators, has announced that the 2020 competition will take […]
May is normally the beginning of the outdoor season, the month when outdoor activity centres all over West Cork begin to open their doors for the upcoming season, spending every day on the ocean, rivers, beaches and mountains, sharing their passion for adventure with others. Like so many other small […]
HCCI, the representative body for home care providers, met with Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD, Minister of State for Older People, Jim Daly TD and HSE officials this week and agreed to a four point ‘Home Care Plan’. Fifty-eight of Home and Community Care Ireland’s (HCCI) 20,000 home care […]