As the 2021 college year begins at University College Cork, a new wave of students may not realise that their campus is a place where executed men, fighting for Irish freedom, were buried 100 years ago. Pauline Murphyreminds us of their names and the part they played in history. In […]
Winners of the 2020 BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition, Cormac Harris and Alan O’Sullivan, have triumphed, taking home first prize at this year’s European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) with their project entitled: ‘A statistical investigation into the prevalence of gender stereotyping in five-seven-year-olds and the development of an initiative to combat […]
Following on from the protest flotillas held in Cork and Dublin earlier this year. Irish Fishermen have enlisted the help of Sean Moroney, Santander Media from Kilmore Quay to document and highlight the continuing issue of the unfair and disproportionate share of fish that Irish boats can catch in our […]
West Cork is set to benefit from the Government’s announcent this week on a major initiative for Rural Ireland, which includes the addition of 31 new walking trails to her Department’s Walks Scheme and funding for a number of new Rural Recreation Officers. The funding will connect the Slí Gaeltacht […]
Con O’Neill Sherry FitzGerald O’Neill Clonakilty and Skibbereen Tell us about yourself and when and why you got into the industry? I spent my summers as a teenager working in the business and always had a draw towards it. In many respects, it is the ideal job to combine an […]
New standards for all domestic solid fuels will be introduced across the State within a year. From that point on, the most polluting of fuels will no longer be available on the Irish market. Poor air quality causes premature deaths and each year some 1,300 people die in Ireland due […]