Going with this month’s theme of Green Homes, let’s take a look at how the colour green can make us feel when used in interiors. When you picture the colour green in your mind’s eye, what do you think of? I am transported into a forest and automatically start to […]

This month West Cork Branch Chairman David Rees looks into the life and behaviour of the Common Starling. The Starling is one of most common and recognisable birds. It is found throughout the country and is will often nest close to our homes, in sheds, outbuildings or gaps in houses. Because […]

As the 2021 college year begins at University College Cork, a new wave of students may not realise that their campus is a place where executed men, fighting for Irish freedom, were buried 100 years ago. Pauline Murphyreminds us of their names and the part they played in history.  In […]
