ICSA president Edmond Phelan has said a convening of the Beef Taskforce must be facilitated as a matter of urgency to assess and address on-going difficulties in the beef sector as a result of Covid-19.   “It is incomprehensible that the Beef Taskforce would be left idle at a time when […]

Green Party MEP for Ireland South Grace O’Sullivan, has urged Marine Minister Michael Creed to take immediate action to implement a newly developed European funding package for hard-hit Irish fishing sectors, whilst at the same time examining the reintroduction of adequate monitoring of fisheries, aquaculture and water to mitigate against […]

Cope Foundation, the Cork based organisation supporting people with disabilities, is on a mission to keep the people it supports connected to the community they are missing during the Covid-19 crisis. The organisation is launching #WhoIMiss, a fundraising campaign to raise €20,000 to purchase communications devices such as smartphones and […]
