Ireland’s only children’s hospice devastated by loss in funding

LauraLynn, Ireland’s Children’s Hospice, has launched a Crisis Care Appeal in response to the hit on fundraising caused by Covid-19. The charity is projecting a 54 per cent loss in funding due to the crisis. To donate please go to

LauraLynn is the only Children’s Hospice in Ireland and provides hospice care to children with palliative care needs and their families from across Ireland. These children are at risk of more severe effects of COVID-19 and this poses an added stress and huge worry for families.

While End of Life Care continues to be offered in LauraLynn, Crisis Care stays are also being provided for children whose primary carer has been impacted by the virus. Other essential support services are being provided to families cocooning at home virtually.

All planned routine respite nights and short family stays have been suspended due to current restrictions. These breaks are often the only time parents get to recharge and take a break so not having these nights is very tough on the families.

Ann Booth, Clinical Nurse Specialist in LauraLynn said;

LauraLynn is open for End of Life and Crisis care during this unprecedented time. Our care team is supporting families who may need to avail of these services. Crisis Care applies if a parent or primary caregiver contracts Covid-19 and cannot care for their child, in the case of extreme exhaustion and various other circumstances. We are providing virtual supports to our families through Skype with families availing of Music Therapy, Counselling, Bereavement Supports and Play Activities. We also have a 24/7 nurse helpline in operation. It is vitally important that we continue to be there for our children and families during this challenging time.’’

Molly Jones was born with complex needs and was diagnosed with a rare condition called Ring Chromosome 18 coupled with Global Development Delay and a serious heart condition. Molly’s parents, Barry and Mairead, were given the devastating news that Molly’s chances of survival were incredibly slim but, she has proved everyone wrong and is now nine-years-old. Molly finds feeding difficult, she is non-verbal and her sight and hearing is also impaired. Molly has been attending LauraLynn for several years. She requires round-the-clock care accompanied with a constant string of hospital appointments. Barry and Mairead have availed of crisis care hours for Molly during this crisis.

Molly’s dad, Barry says; 

‘‘Certain elements of Molly’s care have definitely become more intense during the current pandemic. Mairead and I are still in work, caring for adults with intellectual disabilities. If we did contract Covid-19 it is a great comfort to know that LauraLynn would be there to help us.’’  

LauraLynn Intermin CEO, Ingrid Blake, commented;

“At LauraLynn we are projecting a staggering €2.5m hit in funding as a result of this crisis. That equates to a 54 per cent loss in donations to our hospice services. This is devastating for our service, which relies primarily on fundraised income to cover our operational costs. We have launched this crisis care appeal to ask people to donate what they can to support LauraLynn and the children and families that we support as Ireland’s only children’s hospice. Now, more than ever, every donation counts.’’

To donate please go to

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