A sublime spectacle is typically a combination of awe-inspiring complexity and vertiginous scale. Under this definition we find the man-made ‘wonders of the world’: pyramids, cathedrals, mosques, temples and ancient cities. In this article I reflect upon two experiences of the sublime: the giant mechanical animals of La Machine in Nantes […]

As September rounds the corner of an unusual year in the life of many Blue House Gallery presents a host of suitably reminiscent shows as well as exciting new work to entice and engage before the season takes a gear change. From the 3rd September – Sunday 15th September there […]

The first half of the month brings some very positive planet placements that will help us create strong bonds and attend to important details in preparation for further challenges in the coming weeks.  This is Virgo season and the trend is to get organised and attend to the details of […]

Who else believes that we are caught in an episode of Star Trek, moving along at warp speed? How is it September already? Who gave permission to end our summer just like that? This glorious ‘back to school’ month signifies finishing those uncompleted tasks and rectifying and improving your current […]
