Friday April 22 Is this year’s Earth Day. The theme this year is #InvestInOurPlanet. lists activities taking place across the globe, most of which seem to be happening in North America. At time of writing this, only one is listed on the Island of Ireland, where the charity Action […]

Green Skibbereen celebrated the launch of a new group of volunteers and supporters ‘The Friends of Myross Wood’ on Sunday, March 13. Over 25 volunteers spent the day learning about the group’s detailed development plans for Myross Wood, in Leap; undertaking guided walks and most importantly planting some 1500 native […]

If you haven’t yet read The Beekeeper of Aleppo, then please do. It is a beautifully written and deeply moving novel that chronicles the journey of a refugee couple from Syria as they attempt to find safety and asylum in the UK. It’s raw and bravely, yet movingly, illustrates the […]

Recent global events have directed our attention to the question of food security, and insecurity –  a matter of great importance in the collective Irish memory. As politicians and farmers’ organisations call for urgent changes in our farming practices, it is worth reflecting on the meaning of food security and […]
