A crowd gathered on Keelbeg Pier last weekend for a special ceremony and service of dedication to name Union Hall RNLI’s Atlantic 85 lifeboat, ‘Christine and Raymond Fielding.’ The funding for the lifeboat came from the late Dr. Raymond Fielding, a keen mariner and proud Corkman. While Raymond and his wife […]

So here we are: mid-summer. My favourite time of the year. I know some will say that the autumn is the most beautiful, that winter is most cosy, and spring most uplifting, but I’ll take full-blown summer over the other three. Summer is the best. The landscape is lush and […]

An old cow shed in Allihies has found a new lease of life under the creative direction of Belgian artist Nadette Charlet. Opening officially on July 1 with the launch of its first art exhibition ‘Tommy’s House; the ‘8 Cows Gallery’ has been warmly welcomed by the local community as […]
