She reverses in slowly, raising the windows, closing off the welcome air supply. A glorious day. She gathers handbag, mask, phone. Positions walking aid within reach, about to push open the car door. A car skids to a halt and begins reversing into the hatched area between the two accessible […]
Health & Lifestyle
Have you ever sat back and wondered what kind of life your ‘future self’ will be living? Of course, we have endless future selves – the one that lives next week’s life, or your life in a year or decade even from now. With life’s beautiful, if a little unnerving […]
A community-based mental health recovery and personal development training programme run in Clonakilty, The Focus Programme is now open for applications. Developed by NLN, in conjunction with the HSE, The Focus Programme follows a recovery model approach to overall wellbeing. The Programme won the 2020 Aontas Award for the best […]
Gardeners everywhere love to complain about the weather…and the weather in West Cork often gives us something to grumble about! The very dry weather we had in March and April this year and the very cool weather in May have had many of us cursing. June has finally brought some […]
At last the hungry gap seems to be over. After a long cold spring the temperature is rising and the growth in the garden is really noticeable. We have had salad much of the time but now we can add new potatoes to the menu along with delicious French beans […]
Whether it is a new build or a renovation, flooring is a major element and a big spend in any home and needs to be given careful consideration. My advice to clients is that you need to really love the flooring you choose, as it is not as easily replaced […]