While the Finns may be the masters of saunas, in Ireland, right up to the 19th century we had our own version, the ‘teach allais’, which directly translates to ‘sweat house’. Many years later and the sweat house, renowned for its health benefits, is enjoying a revival in the form […]
Health & Lifestyle
It’s well-known that stress can take a heavy toll on our health and with an ever-increasing number of studies showing that people who experience more stress will suffer more medical problems, including a suppressed immune system, we know that it’s vital that stress is managed. For anyone already suffering from […]
Nothing beats eating al-fresco! This June, the annual, family-friendly food festival will see Clonakilty’s streets transformed into a foodie haven on Saturday 17 June. The Irish Yogurts Clonakilty Street Carnival is an opportunity to sample delicious local food, mix with fellow foodies and experience a true taste of West Cork. […]
BROD will be hosting a Pride event at Emmet square in Clonakilty on Saturday, June 24 again this year. It is all of four years ago since the lst gathering, in 2019, and what a day it was shares Mark Holland. We had food and fun, music and dancing, sunshine […]
“I promise myself that I will enjoy every minute of the day that is given me to live,” wrote the ‘Father of Mindfulness’ Vietnamese monk, Thich Nhat Hang. These are words that Sean Vail strives to live his life by since he was diagnosed with terminal cancer of the colon in […]
Are you a food producer or interested in working in this booming industry? The Diploma in Speciality and Artisan Food Enterprises (formerly known as the Diploma in Speciality Food Production) was developed to provide a broad understanding of the growing differentiation of the food market in which a significant segment […]