Did I just blink and the merry season is almost upon us? What happened? I do believe that this year ‘time’ is making a complete fool of all of us. One-minute Christmas seemed so far away and the next it is right in front of us. For the first time […]

We’ve all experienced moments where we’ve wished we had listened to our ‘inner voice’ or trusted in our ‘gut feeling’. Afterwards we are usually left wondering about the direction life could have taken?  From Einstein to Gandhi to Steve Jobs, the power of the ‘inner voice’ has been endorsed by […]

Looking for the perfect Christmas gift for her? Hello skincare sets! From stocking filler ideas to splurge-worthy items, I’ve rounded up the coolest beauty must-haves that any skincare loving mum, daughter, sister or friend would appreciate receiving this festive season. And as it’s more important than ever to support Irish […]

A big thank you from us at Hairy Henry Care Farm to all in the community for their support with our successful launch of our fundraiser campaign at the end of summer! All funds raised are going to go into building a barn for our riders with additional needs. As […]
