Day T-minus one. As afternoon turned to evening, I recall a sense of dread filling my chest while heaviness descended to my stomach. This fear and uncertainty that began months ago was familiar; the feelings expected, albeit intensified, as my mind created images of you being sent off to battle. […]

Peter Levine, author of ‘Waking the Tiger’ and a renowned trauma expert, states that “Trauma is a fact of life. It does not, however, have to be a life sentence. Not only can trauma be healed, but with appropriate guidance and support, it can be transformative.” This rings true for […]

What does it take to be happy? In this world where we have never had more comfort and ease, the rates of anxiety climb year on year. As I sit here contemplating the many factors that contribute to this, the sun is beaming in through the open door and birdsong […]

As we get older our bladder may not be as reliable as it used to be, and some women can find that pressure from coughing, laughing, sneezing, running or lifting, can cause the bladder to leak. Having a bladder issue is understandably embarrassing. If we feel uncomfortable talking about it […]

In the December issue I wrote on female urinary issues. The second part of this article deals with the causes of and treatments for the various issues that can result in female urinary symptoms.  GSM: GenitourinarySyndrome of Menopause  Common things are common…fluctuating as well as low oestrogen levels is a […]
