I have been lacto-ovo vegetarian for 43 years. I have the advantage of not really enjoying eating meat and of finding it difficult to digest, so switching to a meat-free diet was relatively simple for me and I continue to eat dairy products and eggs. Talking to someone about farming […]
An occasional column by Grace O’Sullivan – mother, environment and peace activist, ecologist, MEP The benefits of improving your home energy set-up and moving towards more green, energy-efficient models are clear. You become more self-sufficient; you get to tap into natural, sustainable energy sources which can provide you with cheap, […]
Moze Jacobs and Alice Glendinning remind us this month that Doughnut Economics is a work-in-progress. Conceived as the brainchild of UK economist Kate Raworth, it is very much at an experimental stage. It is working to find an economic way forward that helps communities thrive, minimises waste, and goes some […]
Just 11 years ago, March 2010, during an Interview with the Guardian Newspaper, the scientist James Lovelock stated “I don’t think we’re yet evolved to the point where we’re clever enough to handle as complex a situation as climate change. The inertia of humans is so huge that you can’t […]
Mosses and liverworts – bryophytes – offer a wonderful miniature world to be discovered on the doorstep. West Cork is one of the best places in the world to see them, and the only kit needed is a mobile phone camera or a hand lens. A well-written book can provide […]
At this time of year buzzards are ready to set up their nesting territories. Listen out for their cat-like mewing call says Nicholas Mitchell Birdwatch Ireland West Cork. You may see a pair circle and soar over a suitable patch of woodland, or male buzzards putting on an aerobatic display […]