Traditional guitarist, Jim Murray has toured the world many times over – with Sharon Shannon, amongst others – but he loves West Cork more than ever. Gary catches up with him in his local, The Mountain House in Ardfield. WCP: “How would you describe your musical upbringing?” JM: “My dad […]
His Excellency Ambassador Adrian O’Neill opened Clonakilty-born sculptor Moss Gaynor’s first UK solo exhibition on September 20 at the Irish Cultural Centre (ICC) in Hammersmith. The exhibition also marked the opening of a new bespoke gallery at the ICC. Speaking at the launch, Ambassador O’Neill said: “I am delighted to […]
Firstly, congratulations to everyone who was involved with the Save Our Skibbereen campaign, as the application for the plastic factory has been withdrawn. Fundraising campaigns make a difference! Music Therapy is a form of therapy which is used by Music Therapists to treat clients of all ages, with a wide […]
For those of you who feel that you want a change of career and have a deep desire to follow your dream, Susan McManamon is someone who did just that. Susan worked in the corporate sector for many years, including working as a director of operations in India for a […]
Emily Wurramara is 23. She is Warnindhilyagwa, sings in a mix of English and her native tongue, Anindilyakwa, and comes from a small Island, Groote Eylandt, off the Northern coast of Australia. If she wasn’t a singer, she would be a chemist. She has never been in Ireland and is […]
Kieran Doyle I find it incredulous that the new Junior Cycle now makes it possible to offer history as a choice subject, rather than core. Especially, as Ireland is enjoying a renaissance in history, particularly at local level. Those who believe this is the correct way to proceed are in danger […]