It seems that someone has got the word out to whoever cuts the grass verges along main roads about leaving dandelions and daisies for the insects. Driving up to Cork last week I was happy to see both flowers bobbing in the sunshine. I think that dandelions and daisies are […]

The syphilis outbreak sparked a surge in wigmaking. Victims hid their baldness, as well as the bloody sores that covered their head and faces, with wigs made of horse, goat, or human hair.  Are you familiar with the term ‘Bigwig’? If so, are you aware of its derivation? It is […]

Guitarist Bill Shanley is a Clonakilty-born session musician, songwriter, performer, and bandleader. He has performed and recorded with Sinéad O’Connor, Mary Black, Liam Clancy, Black Francis (of The Pixies), Paul Brady and Roy Harper, amongst many others. Though he left his childhood home of Shanley’s pub in Clon for Dublin […]

Photo : Marilyn Glenville We recently welcomed nutritionist and author Marilyn Glenville to Bantry to give a talk in the Maritime Hotel, which was a huge success with a turnout of over 80 people (more than had attended the Cork event the previous evening – not that we’re counting!). This […]
