Welcome to 2022 and to another year of new resolutions. If, like most of us, you have goals or new interests to test out in 2022, but haven’t gotten a plan together yet, need support, or already feel like packing it up, this column is for you. If you haven’t, […]
Fern Higgins Atkinson is Chairperson of BRÓD and the Youth Health Promotion and Development Officer in the Ability West Cork Programme, West Cork Development Partnership. A new year, a new start? When we shed the remnants of the old year like snakeskin and shimmy into our shiny new fresh starts, our […]
Happy New Year. I hope you have had a good Christmas, and have managed to navigate your way through these recent challenging weeks without too much trouble. In Organico, we had a busy Christmas, but we also had a good break, and we are looking forward to 2022 – in […]
This is a good month to decide if you want to have herbs growing in your garden. So many of the ones used therapeutically may be obtained from the wild but some, such as marshmallow, elecampane and lovage need to be planted to ensure supply. Culinary herbs need to be […]
Another Christmas has slipped gently by and here we are in 2022. As always I enjoyed Christmas. I love that business takes a break and there’s time to enjoy family and friends, even if it means meeting outside to avoid the dreaded virus. We shared lots of family dinners, taking […]
Farm life is relatively straightforward at the moment. The cows are getting a combination of hay, silage or straw over a week. It sounds more complicated than it actually is. They get a bale of silage in front of them, which usually lasts a pen four to five days and […]