We had such a good response to the article in January on how to improve gum health, that I thought I would continue with the theme, and share a couple of more tips on improving your diet that will contribute to strong healthy teeth and a healthy microbiome in your […]
Three storms in a week left our garden in tatters. Lettercollum, ‘Leitir Colm’ in Irish, doesn’t translate to windy hillside for nothing! We had to use the chainsaw to cut our way out the morning after Eunice rocked by and any previous complacency that we had about the imminent arrival […]
Over the last couple of weeks West Cork has been battered by storms. For anyone who grows and depends on polytunnels to make a living, every gale is a cause of anxiety, but three in a week, well that’s exhausting. Growers need to be resilient and resourceful people and I […]
As bad as the weather has been since the arrival of Storms Dudley and Eunice, in an odd way I’m kind of glad. Weather has been unseasonably good since Christmas and I’m happier getting rough weather now rather than in the middle of May. Sometimes in farming you have to […]
Ciarán was born in 352 on Cape Clear Island off the coast of West Cork. His mother was Liadhain who was of the Corcalee tribe of West Cork (the main sept being the O’Driscolls), while his father was Lughaidh of Ossory (Co. Offaly) which was also part of the Corcalee […]
“Do I believe in ghosts?… I am prepared to consider evidence and accept it if it satisfies me.” – M R. James The Winchester mansion in San Jose, California was built by Sarah Winchester with the proceeds of what she considered to be ‘blood money’. Its sole purpose was housing […]