We had such a good response to the article in January on how to improve gum health, that I thought I would continue with the theme, and share a couple of more tips on improving your diet that will contribute to strong healthy teeth and a healthy microbiome in your […]

Over the last couple of weeks West Cork has been battered by storms. For anyone who grows and depends on polytunnels to make a living, every gale is a cause of  anxiety, but three in a week, well that’s exhausting. Growers need to be resilient and resourceful people and I […]

Ciarán was born in 352 on Cape Clear Island off the coast of West Cork. His mother was Liadhain who was of the Corcalee tribe of West Cork (the main sept being the O’Driscolls), while his father was Lughaidh of  Ossory (Co. Offaly) which was also part of the Corcalee […]
