The Great Fire of London is the worst in London’s history. First igniting in a baker’s shop on Pudding Lane belonging to Thomas Farriner, the fire swept through the city from September 2 until September 5 in 1666. While only six deaths were recorded, it destroyed a huge area, including […]
“Part of the canvas was poking out but the rest was covered in snow. I used an ice pick lying nearby to uncover the entrance.” – Mikhail Sharavin In the winter of 1959, between February 1 and 2, nine experienced hikers ventured deep into the wilderness of Russia’s Ural Mountains […]
“From about the middle of the 18th century it began to be realized that you could learn from a dead body; and that’s when some families were starting to be persuaded that they should allow post mortems.”– Wendy Moore In the 18th and 19th centuries medical and surgical students needed […]
“Being the most striking manifestation of the art of metal structures by which our engineers have shown in Europe, it is one of the most striking of our modern national genius.”– Gustave Eiffel Victor Lustig was an incredibly charming man. The book ‘Handsome Devil’ by Jeff Maysh is based on […]
The claiming of land in the West of America by white settlers is an often-romanticised notion brought about by popular media. Books, documentaries and television shows can often skew the view of reality. If one takes a step back and analyses the facts, the reality of the situation is far […]
“The challenges of learning more about her story and her impact as a cultural icon have given her even more significance….”Megan Phelps Anyone who has ever taken a CPR course will be familiar with the plastic mannequin used to teach the life-saving technique. CPR has become a mandatory element of […]