The expression ‘It takes a village’ rings especially true when it comes to the success of the Courtmacsherry Community Shop. Mary O’Brien meets a few of the people who volunteer their time and energy to ensure the continued success of this inspiring social enterprise. Since the mid-1870s, the small village […]

On her most challenging and arduous journey to date, West Cork’s favourite harp-playing pilgrim Anja Bakker, 53 – from the road in Hungary, 260 days into her expedition – shares with Mary O’Brien some of the highs and lows she has experienced so far and how home has become such […]

With more and more individuals turning to online dating, it has become very much the norm and, although it has its challenges, with over 300 million people worldwide now using dating apps, experts are predicting that within just a few years, 50 per cent of relationships will have begun this […]
