Dave and Tina Louks have never looked back since they were given their first foster care placement in 1996. Over the past 27 years, despite the challenges thrown at them by life and the system, the couple have opened up their home and their hearts to a steady stream of […]

Perched on the side of hill surrounded by bare rock and overlooking the breathtaking vastness of the Atlantic ocean, Danny and Geraldine Osborne’s home, a small renovated cottage, at one time could only be accessed by walking through the surrounding fields. It was this wildness and raw beauty that first […]

It’s estimated that 19,000 people in Ireland acquire a brain injury every year with 7,500 people suffering a stroke. Acquired Brain Injuries are often described as ‘invisible’, because many of the impacts like changes in memory and concentration are often unseen. Currently there are 120,000 people in Ireland living with […]

West Cork’s favourite surf shop, Jellyfish, is celebrating 20 years in business this year. Owner Nollaig Hurley says the years have flown by as the business has gone from strength to strength. She shares her pride in reaching such a milestone with West Cork People. “It certainly doesn’t feel like […]

West Cork Development Partnership CLG, who successfully operated the programme in large parts of west and south Cork between 1991 and 2016, has been invited by the Department of Rural and Community Development to develop a Local Development Strategy to deliver the 2023 – 2027 LEADER Programme.  The LEADER Programme […]
