Global entertainment supplier TAGLive® is holding its first ever Irish casting days in Cork City and is committed to casting up to 50 Irish performers for its contracts across Greece and Spain. This year the UK based company opened an Irish operation based in Skibbereen with EU Casting Director and […]
We’ve all heard that statement many times. But, did you realise it applies to your dog too? Whenever I make a home visit to a client, one of my first questions will be: what type of food do you feed your dog? Diet can have a major bearing on every […]
A young student recently asked me how to ‘make blue’. Of course, being a primary colour one cannot ‘make blue’ out of other colours; just as one cannot make yellow or red. In saying this, blue is not simply blue, and in art all the different varieties of blue ‘are’ made. […]
Following the critical success of his first solo exhibition in Ireland earlier this year, O’Connell Gallery is delighted to be showing selected highlights from the Quercu collection in Clonakilty. ‘Quercu’ – the oak – brings together a new body of work by Alan Meredith. The exhibition draws together separate, but […]
In this article, I won’t be talking about home energy upgrade solutions. Instead, I would like to relate our family’s experience with switching to an electrical car a year ago. According to statistics published by the SEAI this week, private cars represent 17 per cent of the overall energy consumption […]
The highlight of the seventh Drimoleague Singing Festival, which runs from September 19-22, is sure to be the Sunday night concert featuring Hothouse Flowers, who will bring their legendary high energy show featuring rock, roll and soul, as well as a hefty dose of Irish traditional music influences to All […]