This month provides the eighth synopsis for my wife’s ancestral lines in County Cork and what has been learned from atDNA matching. If you have taken a DNA test and related to any of these family, do get in touch and consider adding your DNA information to the project. O’NEILLs […]

May has become a favourite month of the year. With its abundance of wildflowers in meadows and roadsides as well as colourful blooms in the garden at every turn. Then there is the sweetness of bird chatter; their songs begin earlier in the day and longer into the night. The […]

Autoimmune conditions are on the rise worldwide but particularly in developed countries for reasons that are not fully understood. They are complex and there are many triggers that can contribute to their manifestation and progression. At its most basic autoimmune conditions are caused by the immune system mistaking self- tissue […]

People providing care for family members often are so busy with their caring responsibilities that they don’t always have time to look at what supports are available to them. It is important that they know that carers may be entitled to a number of supports from the Department of Social […]
