It’s incredible the number of people who contact me about their dog pulling on lead. When your dog pulls, it’s generally because he’s paying you no attention and is in his own zone. You can pull, yank, shout or throw a tantrum – all to no avail. He’s not listening […]
International Epilepsy Day is taking place on February 8 this year. This is a global day of epilepsy awareness that provides the opportunity for people with epilepsy to share their lived experiences of the condition. They do this in order to raise awareness within their communities in an effort to […]
With movements constrained by Covid-19, many in West Cork have found unexpected pleasure in the freedom of the ocean. With this call of the wild, all around West Cork, young and old, have been seen donning thermal accessories and taking the plunge. Aside from offering a release from the restrictions […]
Clonakilty Chamber of Commerce has some lovely prizes up its sleeve for budding artists! Simply right click on the image above to download this picture, colour in and drop your entry into the Christmas post box on Astna Square. NB: Please include your name, age and contact email.
The legacy of Good Shepherd Sister, Sr Colette Hickey, who today has reached the great age of 102, has gone from strength to strength since Good Shepherd Cork was founded more than 40 years ago. Under its umbrella, women, children and families who are vulnerable to homelessness are supported across […]
BY EOIN ROE, CHIROPRACTIC Everywhere you turn these days there is advice telling you to eat a healthy diet, become a vegan or at least a vegetarian, and do more exercise. There is also no doubt that diet and exercise are two areas where we have the ability to seriously […]