I often hear people express the belief that gluten sensitivity is a fad; this is not true. Rates of gluten intolerance have risen dramatically in the past decades due to many factors of industrialisation. There are also strong links between gluten sensitivity and celiac disease and other autoimmune conditions, in particular […]
I see a significant number of women who are suffering with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This is a really serious condition for them with unpleasant symptoms caused by hormone imbalance. Periods can become irregular, light or non-existent and cause difficulty in getting pregnant or infertility. Symptoms can include acne, weight gain, […]
Ability West Cork is a programme that works with young people, aged between 17 and 29-years, who are living with mental health difficulties in the West Cork region. The programme has been running since late 2018 and has worked with 71 young people to date. The Ability West Cork team […]
Grandparents play an important role in their grandchild’s life. However, some grandparents have difficulty seeing their grandchildren and spending time with them. They can find themselves excluded from the lives of their grandchildren, and this can be very upsetting for them and for the children involved. This can happen for […]
by Mark Holland One of the things that we get to do at BROD is to facilitate schools’ workshops through the national charity ShoutOut, who’s aim is to promote acceptance of LGBT+ people in the school environment through education. During these workshops we obviously encourage Questions, and a question that […]
Dandelion is one of the first herbs to flower in southwest Ireland. Blooming from February onwards, the flowers are a very valuable source of nectar for bees. Belonging to the Asteraceae family and in Irish is called ‘caisearbhán’, the dandelion derives its English name from the French, ‘dents de lion’ […]