Ninety-five per cent of all Irish homes have inadequate insulation in their roofs and walls and with energy prices increasing and SEAI now offering grants of up to €1,500 for insulating an attic, there has never been a better time to look into this cost-effective upgrade that can save energy […]
The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) welcomed over 2,500 attendees to the SEAI Energy Show, which took place in the RDS at the end of March, after a two-year absence. The event showed the vibrancy of the energy sector and the pace of innovation, as new energy saving technologies […]
Sometimes time moves fast in the farming cycle. Only a few weeks ago the call came to try and plant more grain and fodder crops in order to deal with supply chain issues resulting from the war in Ukraine. At this stage, the vast majority of the grain crops are […]
Bealtaine is the name in Irish, Scottish-Gaelic and Manx mythology for the seasonal feast at May 1. At the end of the dark half of the year, Bealtaine is a survival of one of the four great Celtic calendar feasts, known in early Ireland as ‘Imbolc’ (February 1), ‘Lughnasa’ (August […]
Outstanding contributions made by individuals and community and voluntary groups across Cork County was showcased at the Ninth Annual Mayor’s Community Awards. Mayor of the County of Cork, Cllr. Gillian Coughlan presented a total of twelve awards on the night, including a special posthumous presentation, with Noreen Minihan from Clonakilty […]
Although in existence since the 19th century (when first written record was discovered) cargo cults only came to notoriety during, and most notably after WWII. The cargo cult that gained the most notoriety and attention was one worshipped by the people of the Melanesian islands. A cargo cult is a […]