Appropriation is a long-established strategy in modern, post-modern and contemporary painting. The desire to ‘revamp’, ‘re-mix’ or ‘re-orchestrate’ a masterpiece of old is as complex as it is interesting. Picasso’s appropriations of ElGreco were both a way of identifying with the Baroque master and his greatness, and colonising that greatness. […]
Chinese Medicine has a long history and profound approach to the care of mother and child in pregnancy, that is at once, both esoteric and immensely practical. On the one hand, it is imbued with an appreciation of the tiny new human being in utero as a small cosmos that […]
BySK Makeup Introducing BySK, the hotly anticipated makeup range by renowned celebrity, bridal and editorial makeup artist Sarah Keary “I am so excited and proud to finally showcase the BySK makeup range, I have been using the samples of these products on my clients for the last six months and […]
Everything changes all the time, that is one thing we can be assured of. Change can happen in the blink of an eye or more gradually so it’s less obvious. The fall-out from Covid continues and is potentially huge in terms of impacting our mental, emotional, social, and physical wellbeing. […]
It’s great to see the long evenings now; we are two months away from the longest day already and probably all talking about well-deserved summer holiday after over two years of abject misery, good luck to us all! Over the last two months, I have talked about heart problems and […]
We are all familiar with nettles and I doubt if any of us have evaded their power to sting. However they have other attributes, and we should not be so quick to remove them from our gardens, as they give many benefits. Firstly, nettles improve soils that are over-fertilised with […]