We have all heard that a four-leaved clover is lucky but the ‘hungry-grass’ was quite the opposite and very unlucky indeed for anyone who stood on it. ‘Hungry grass’ cannot be distinguished from other kinds of grass. It is said to grow on the spot where some poor person died […]

The Shankill Bombing came at an extremely precarious time in the peace process in Northern Ireland. This attack and the resulting retaliation attacks that culminated over the following days, very nearly derailed the entire peace process altogether. At this stage of the Troubles, for the very first time, Loyalist paramilitaries […]

The first casualty of the Irish Civil War in Cork was Patrick Francis McCarthy, who died in Skibbereen in July, 1922. On the centenary of the war, Pauline Murphy explains who Patrick was and the circumstances of his death. Twenty-two—year-old Patrick Francis McCarthy Jr, from Morahin near Ballydehob, was killed on […]
