I am continually in awe of the power of gratitude. Modern life and current times can so easily foster a sense of lack, of not having enough, of needing more. But this perception is often culturally and socially driven and not necessarily real. While we all face the immense challenge of […]

Unfortunately many women do dread getting their period. Menstruation will start for most girls at about 12-years-old although it can begin as young as eight, and will naturally return monthly until menopause somewhere between 45-55 years. That is 30-45 years, so it is well worth becoming intimately acquainted with your […]

Compassion-based mindfulness presents us with the antidote for busyness and distraction. I am constantly astounded by the courage it takes to pause in the middle of busy and distracted lives and by the wisdom that is shared in my groups, particularly of how people make small changes in their lives […]
