In this series of articles (‘Do we understand our child?’) Diana Radeva, child and adolescent psychotherapist sets out to consider the emotional life of children from birth onwards; and how relationships between children and parents evolve over time. It is a view of human growth, which recognises the importance of […]
Health & Lifestyle
Opel Ireland, together with the Opel Dealer Network of Ireland, have signed a contract with Sanity Systems, affirming their commitment to employee and customer welfare, amidst the ongoing corona crisis. Sanity Systems Ireland provides a highly acclaimed sanitising solution for building premises and vehicles and their services are now used […]
How are you finding things these days? What is your own situation requiring of you? Maybe you are busy working in essential services, parenting at home, caring for someone ‘cocooning’, working from home, or maybe you have recently become unemployed. The range of circumstances is endless. Many of us will […]
Dogs Trust, Ireland’s largest dog welfare charity, is warning dog owners their furry friends could develop separation anxiety when the current Covid-19 lockdown ends. Due to the amount of time most owners have been spending with their dogs recently, the charity fears many dogs have become too reliant on human […]
Training and physical activity is not everyone’s cup of tea and, especially these days, it can be hard to find the motivation to go outside the normal comfort zone and step into new things. Life in lockdown, with social distancing can be both lonely and boring and for some, putting […]
‘‘Your mobile phone is still inside the vehicle.’’ That’s a phrase I heard a lot in the past week. I was driving the new Audi A1 Citycarver and any time I attempted to leave the car without picking up my mobile, that’s the message I got. I have got the […]