Life is precious and living in this busy world we sometimes forget to ‘stop’ and take a breath and relish simply in our existence. Rushing and running everywhere, frantically moving onto the next ‘thing’ that we ‘must’ do seems to be what LIVING is now reduced to. According to some […]

While a certain amount of tradition will almost always be adhered to, I think it is a wonderful thing that many brides and grooms are ‘suiting themselves’ now and choosing venues and wedding styles accordingly. The days of ‘having to do’ because ‘everyone else does’ is a mere memory and […]

It is well and truly January – a little bleak, a little colder and perhaps a lot of us are a few pounds heavier! To be truthful, I think that adding a little weight over the holidays is beneficial, it makes us a little more ‘cuddly’ and protects us a […]
