Before I begin, I want to dispel  a few myths: “You are still having periods, therefore your symptoms could not be menopausal”; “You are only 45, you could not possibly be having menopause symptoms”; “Your hormone  blood tests are normal so your symptoms are not menopausal”. These statements are false.  […]

According to research carried out by Menopause Workplace Consultant Catherine O’Keeffe ‘almost one in three women were considering giving up their job due to menopause’. While honest conversation has only very recently really opened up in society around menopause, Catherine has been educating and informing in the workplace for almost […]

What images come to mind when you think of menopause? Whether it’s something you’ve yet to experience, have long since passed or are in fact, an unsuspecting man witnessing this inevitable time in the lives of the women around you, what would be your knee-jerk description of what menopause involves? […]
