Most of us appreciate that vaccination against Covid is good and likely to get us back to normal and, while we all talk expertly about new variants, spike proteins, T Killer Cells, PCR tests and so on, I have some better news about immunity. I recently attended a three-day Zoom […]
In part one of a three-part series, Eoin Roe looks at blood sugar control, what can go wrong with this and what can be done to help correct it. Normal Blood Glucose control The normal glucose levels in blood are controlled by interactions between hormones and various organs in the […]
by Eoin Roe It is very common for people to try and overcome a particular health concern using supplements, whether prescribed or available over-the-counter. It is unlikely that this will cause any harm, but it can become very expensive, with limited benefit. I am going to talk about two areas: […]
by Amanda Roe We all know that what we eat is linked with chronic health conditions like obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, digestive disorders, irritable bowel syndrome and hormonal health. But do you know that changing what you eat will improve your mood and your mental health? In fact […]
BY EOIN ROE, CHIROPRACTIC Everywhere you turn these days there is advice telling you to eat a healthy diet, become a vegan or at least a vegetarian, and do more exercise. There is also no doubt that diet and exercise are two areas where we have the ability to seriously […]
Chiropractor Eoin Roe advises on the importance of not ignoring back pain during this ‘new normal’ we live in The ‘new normal’ seems to be the refrain of the moment. There are certainly huge changes for all of us in the way we work, socialise and live especially in the […]